How does Daana actually work?

Daana transform data from a raw, system oriented structure to a business oriented, semantic layer with ready building blocks for analytics and reporting.

But how?

Daana simplifies and automates the Data Warehouse pattern

The layered data warehouse pattern is a well-established and time-tested approach for constructing analytical systems. However, the development and maintenance of these systems can be challenging. This is where Daana steps in. Daana simplifies the process by creating the modeled data warehouse and the consumption layer for you, driven entirely by metadata and automated for efficiency and ease.

Daana automatically transforms lake data into a business representation of the information through the use of meta data only.

It won’t move data out of your cloud environment and will orchestrate your data pipelines.

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Daana Atomizes Your Data Workflows

Daana’s pipelines operate on one to four attributes at a time – breaking through the complexity of your source data by dividing the process into a small unit. The number of attribute(s) in a unit won’t change over time, which means the complexity of a pipeline won’t grow over time. The metadata-driven algorithm then represent the data in a semantically and structurally source system agnostic physical data model, which handles changes of requirement in a non-destructive fashion and is resilient to the changing nature of operational source systems (e.g. CRMs, Billing, etc) feeding your analytical system. This means that the Daana implementation becomes easily maintainable, scalable, and changeable throughout its life cycle.

Reassembling the Data into Analytical Building Blocks

Data structured as a small unit, with semantic translations and transformations, excels in loading and storage but is less optimal for consumption. Daana addresses this by using your provided metadata to restructure data into accessible building blocks. These are compatible with common BI tools and can be repurposed for creating datasets, data products or tables for any analytical use case, from static reports to ML and AI applications.

See how Daana works in five simple steps.

We’ll show step by step how the frontend actually looks in five simple steps!

Want to know more indepth?

Yes! Sometimes, there are different ways of identifying the same thing. Imagine we have a Customer entity, we want to both be able to identify “a Customer” through CUSTOMER_ID and ORGANIZATION_NUMBER, because they represent the same thing. This is of course possible in Daana and the subsequent relationships that might use these different ways of relating Customer to other entities would automatically be resolved / handled in Daana.

You will, we believe strongly in data integrity and know that it’s business critical information that you own and will never be shared with third parties.

Daana utilizes one of the established Ensemble Modelling techniques called Focal Point modelling.

A model is supposed to be the business representation of the information, i.e. source system agnostic, sometimes this is also called the semantic representation of the information as opposed to storing the data in a system oriented fashion.

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